If you want to stay tuned to all Binomo updates, you can switch on push notifications – for our website or mobile app. Updates will immediately appear in your browser window or on your mobile screen, whether you’re on another site or app.
For desktop
Google Chrome
- Open www.binomo.com in the Chrome browser..
- Сlick Settings icon on the left side of the navigation bar.
- Select Site settings ➞ Notifications.
- Choose Allow.
Microsoft Edge
- Open www.binomo.com in your browser.
Select View Site Details
on the left side of the navigation bar.
- Click Permissions for this site ➞ Notifications ➞ Allow
- Press the Menu button in the top left browser corner ➞ Settings.
- Click Advanced ➞ Security on the left side of the panel ➞ Security
- In the Content Settings section select Notifications.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page. In front of the Allow section, click Add and enter www.binomo.com
- Click Add again.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open www.binomo.com in your browser.
- Click on the settings icon on the right side of your browser window ➞ Settings.
- On the left, click Privacy and Protection.
- Scroll to the permissions box until you reach Notifications.
- Click Options...
- You will see the websites you’ve used recently. Click a drop-down menu to the opposite of www.binomo.com. There you can allow receiving our push notifications.
- Go to Safari ➞ Settings on your desktop.
- Select Websites.
- In the left side menu, click Notifications.
- You will see the websites list. Choose www.binomo.com, check the box next to Allow websites to request permission to send notifications.
For mobile devices
Android app
- Open your phone settings.
- Tap Apps and notifications ➞Notifications
- Under Recently sent you will see a list of apps that have recently sent notifications.
- Tap Show all to find other apps.
- Select the Binomo app.
- Choose Display notifications.
iOS app
- Open Settings ➞ Notifications.
- Select the Binomo app.
- Tap Allow notifications.