You can calculate possible profit or loss with this formula:
Investment x multiplier x (closing price / opening price - 1).
Example. A trader invested $100 with a multiplier of 10. When a trader opened a trade, the price of the asset was 1.2000, when they closed it – it rose to 1.5000. How to calculate a profit from that trade? $100 (trader’s investment) x 10 (multiplier) x (1.5000 (closing price) / 1.2000 (opening price) - 1) = $100 x 10 x (1,25 - 1) = $250 is a profit of the trade. The trade was successful because the closing price was higher than the opening price.
Maximum loss per trade reaches up to 95%. Here’s how you can calculate it:
Example. A trader invested $500. The result of the trade is calculated according to the formula 5% x $500 = $25. This way, the maximum loss that the trader may have before the trade is closed automatically is 95%, or $475.
The maximum percentage of change in the price of the asset (before the automatic closing) is calculated by this formula:
Maximum loss / multiplier
Example. 95% / multiplier of 10 = 9,5% is the maximum percentage of change in the price of the asset.