The chart is the trader’s main tool on the platform. A chart displays the price dynamic of a chosen asset in real-time.
You can adjust the chart according to your preferences.
- To choose a chart type, click on the chart icon in the lower-left corner of the platform. There are 4 chart types: Mountain, Line, Candle, and Bar.
Note. Traders prefer the Candle chart because it’s the most informative and useful. - To choose a time frame, click on a time icon. It determines how often the new price changes in the asset are displayed.
- To zoom in and out on a chart, press the “+” and “-” buttons or scroll the mouse. Mobile app users can zoom in and out on a chart with their fingers.
- To see older price changes drag the chart with your mouse or finger (for mobile app users).
Note. In the new Android app version, you can choose a chart type, a time frame, and indicators on the panel above the chart.