You can use any bank card that was issued for you to fund your Binomo account. It can be a personalized or non-personalized card (without the cardholder’s name on it), a card in a currency different from the one your account uses.
In most cases, funds are credited within an hour or even instantly. Sometimes, however, it may take longer depending on your payment service provider. Please check the payment processing time for your country and card brand before contacting Binomo support.
Quick guide
- Click the "Deposit" button in the top right corner.
- Select your region from the drop-down "Country" menu.
- Choose a card brand (i.e. VISA, Mastercard).
- Select a recommended deposit amount or type in a custom sum.
- Fill in the card details, then click "OK".
- Wait for the confirmation code sent in SMS or push notification, then enter it to finish the payment.
- If the payment is successful, you'll be redirected to the page with the transaction details.